Wednesday, April 08, 2009

One Of Many Voices That Rock ?

Recently I was approached by respected voice over artist Kris Henderson to take part in a new audio documentary centred around the voice over industry. The Voice That Rocks will feature contribuitions from a variety of voice talent around the world and I feel privileged to be considered by Kris for inclusion in the soon to be completed series. I'll keep you posted !


Anonymous said...

Hey Alan,

Just saw this and was wondering if the project was successfully completed. If so could you please tell me how I could go about watching it. Thanks very much.

Kind regards

Darragh from

Anonymous said...

Hi Alan,

I was just wondering if this project was successfully completed? If so could you please tell me how I might go about about watching it. Thanks!

Kind regards,

Alan said...

Hello again, Darrah. I think the project was shelved which is a shame as the producer was a talented voice artist.